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Community Involvement is Top Eagle Priority

With a motto of “people helping people,” Eagle members are very actively involved in their local communities. Many of our activities focus on children and improving their quality of life.

Eagles aeries and auxiliaries conduct toy drives, we send young victims of domestic violence to camp, hold baby showers for needy families, provide Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets, provide backpacks and school supplies, make quilts for nursing homes, and the list goes on…

During any kind of disaster, such as floods, hurricanes, fires or tornadoes, you’ll find Eagles on site to provide supplies and lend a helping hand. Local aeries and auxiliaries, for example, raised thousands of dollars for victims of Hurricane Katrina, distributed food, water and other supplies.

We donate to the millions of dollars each year given to hospitals and research centers, churches, schools and universities and organizations, such as the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which battle life-threatening diseases. Funds are raised through any number of activities including bake sales, car shows, bus trips, auctions, dinners, dances and golf outings.

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